Did you live or had been in Portugal in 1969? Have you ever reminded the 1969 seism in Portugal? Fifty years later, we want to collect some impressions about it. So, if the answer is “yes”, give your contribution with some information by filling out this inquiry. Continue reading “50th years of the seism in Portugal”
Author: Publisher
90 Seconds of Science*, with Rui Fernandes
Past January, 21st 2019, Rui Fernandes was the interviewed at Antena 1 (Portugal) for “90 Seconds of Science” broadcasting. He spoke about SUGGEST AFRICA, a project that aims to study the natural risks arising from earthquakes and climate change in Angola, Mozambique and Nigeria. Continue reading “90 Seconds of Science*, with Rui Fernandes”
Solid Earth Seminars “The Arraiolos Earthquake”

Next Wednesday (November 21st), Luís Matias from Instituto Dom Luiz, will approach “The Arraiolos Earthquake sequence initiated the 15th January 2018: ASZ take II” at 1p.m. (room 6.2.47 at FCUL – building C6).
According to Luís Matias, the ASZ stands for the Arraiolos Seismic Zone that was studied by Catarina Matos et al. (JGR 2018). It was rejuvenated by the 4.9 ML earthquake at Aldeia da Serra, that occurred the 15th January 2018. Only a few hours after the event the ICT (Évora) and IDL initiated the deployment of a temporary seismic network with an unprecedented density (station spacing ~2 km). Continue reading “Solid Earth Seminars “The Arraiolos Earthquake””