Professor Rui Fernandes and the fellow Bento Martins are participating at Portuguese Antarctic Campaign 2017-18, in a scientific mission until March 2018.
Continue reading “UBI integrates Portuguese Antarctic Campaign 2017-18”
Professor Rui Fernandes and the fellow Bento Martins are participating at Portuguese Antarctic Campaign 2017-18, in a scientific mission until March 2018.
Continue reading “UBI integrates Portuguese Antarctic Campaign 2017-18”
The 9th Portuguese Polar Sciences Conference will take place on November 6th and 7th, 2017 and will be hosted at Universidade da Beira Interior – Faculdade de Engenharia, Rua da Calçada Fonte Lameiro, Covilhã, Portugal. Continue reading “9th Portuguese Polar Sciences Conference”
The free ocean tide loading provider, endorsed by the International Earth Rotation Service, is a web-service used by groups all of the world to analyse their GNSS data. Continue reading “SEGAL improves free ocean tide loading provider”