
Solid Earth Seminars “The Arraiolos Earthquake”

The Arraiolos Earthquake sequence initiated the 15th January 2018: ASZ take II
Luís Matias poster: “The Arraiolos Earthquake sequence initiated the 15th January 2018: ASZ take II”

Next Wednesday (November 21st), Luís Matias from Instituto Dom Luiz, will approach “The Arraiolos Earthquake sequence initiated the 15th January 2018: ASZ take II” at 1p.m. (room 6.2.47 at FCUL – building C6).

According to Luís Matias, the ASZ stands for the Arraiolos Seismic Zone that was studied by Catarina Matos et al. (JGR 2018). It was rejuvenated by the 4.9 ML earthquake at Aldeia da Serra, that occurred the 15th January 2018. Only a few hours after the event the ICT (Évora) and IDL initiated the deployment of a temporary seismic network with an unprecedented density (station spacing ~2 km). Continue reading “Solid Earth Seminars “The Arraiolos Earthquake””

JPL (NASA) team at UBI to teach new software version

GipsyX course with NASA trainers
GipsyX course with NASA trainers

From September 5th to 7th, a team from Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL/NASA) had been at UBI to teach how to use GipsyX. This new software version has now replaced GIPSY-OASIS as JPL’s flagship GNSS data analysis software. Continue reading “JPL (NASA) team at UBI to teach new software version”