SUpportinG GEoSciences To develop Africa

Natural disasters such as floods, tropical storms or earthquakes threaten the livelihood of many African populations.

Climate change is another potential source of disruption, through sea level rise that can affect the population of low coastal areas, or through an increment of tropical storms.

Such impacts will ultimately lead to large internal and inter-continental migrations, with large societal and economic impacts both in Africa as in Europe.

“Although there is a growing awareness of the perils of climate change, its likely impact on human displacement and mobility has received too little attention.”
UN High Commissioner for Refugees 2018
(now UN Secretary General)

To mitigate the effects of these natural and anthropogenic phenomena, it is critical to understand their causes, a task that requires accurate data. For this reason SUGGEST AFRICA project was launched focusing on the improvement of existing geo-observing networks in Africa.

More information

  About the project




  Outreach and dissemination
