European Plate Observing System
EPOS-IP* is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 676564. The EPOS Implementation Phase project (2015 – 2019) is a joint project of 47 partners, 6 associate partners (including the European Space Agency, EuroGeoSurveys, Global Earthquake Model) and several international organizations (ORFEUS, EMSC, EUREF, INTERMAGNET) for a total of 25 countries involved.
EPOS, the European Plate Observing System, is a long-term plan to facilitate integrated use of data, data products, and facilities from distributed research infrastructures for solid Earth science in Europe.
EPOS will bring together Earth scientists, national research infrastructures, ICT (Information & Communication Technology) experts, decision makers, and public to develop new concepts and tools for accurate, durable, and sustainable answers to societal questions concerning geo-hazards and those geodynamic phenomena (including geo-resources) relevant to the environment and human welfare.
EPOS-IP project is building the EPOS integrated research platform by implementing Thematic Core Services (TCS) for the diverse communities contributing to EPOS.
One of these TCS is GNSS Data and Products, which general objective is to develop an open source platform with programmatic and web interfaces to store and disseminate raw data and metadata from GNSS stations operating in Europe, thereby providing access to an integrated European network of data providers.
Project Members
Rui Fernandes (Principal Investigator, PI, EPOS TCS GNSS Data and Products leader)
Paul Crocker
Rui Cardoso
Rafael Couto
André Rodrigues
Fábio Pereira
José Manteigueiro
Hugo Valentim
Lílian Féres
Funded by
European Union (EPOS-IP is a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 676564)
* Source of the information about EPOS-IP: EPOS-IP website.